Eco Schools

Eco Schools
"There should be a garden attached where they (students) may feast their eyes on trees, flowers, and plants... Where they always hope to hear and see something new." Comenius, The Great Didactic 1632

Σάββατο 23 Μαρτίου 2013

Earth Hour 60+

Our Contribution!!!!

Thank you, Ms Stella Charitaki for your kind donation of the flowers and your support to our actions!!!!

Dear Parents and friends support the earth hour!
 60+  tonight!

Τρίτη 12 Μαρτίου 2013

Δευτέρα 4 Μαρτίου 2013

Our contribution to the PAINT a FISH

The Paint a Fish campaign aims to restore EU fish stocks for 

future generations.

The students of the 1st Kindergarten of Mournies, painted 

 their own original - unique fish!

some of their artwork you can find by visiting the link below

Paint a Fish