Eco Schools

Eco Schools
"There should be a garden attached where they (students) may feast their eyes on trees, flowers, and plants... Where they always hope to hear and see something new." Comenius, The Great Didactic 1632

Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2012


On Monday October the 29th, the fullday program of our Kindergarten held student elections in order to vote for the Representative on Environmental Issues of our class. Candidates had the chance to present themselves and give us reasons why we should vote them for representing us on Environmental Issues! It was an excellent opportunity for all children to feel unique and special. They also had the chance to debate!!!!


Good Luck, we expect much from you!

After a while the eco club of our class decided to set groups, 
responsible for energy, litter, schoolyard, compost, paper/plastic recycling, battery recycling water, and citizenship matters!!!! Everybody wants to be pro-active FOR A SUSTAINABLE SCHOOL!!!!!!! Children your teachers are soooo proud of you!

What a busy day!!!

TUESDAY, OCTOBER the 30th,  2012

Meanwhile, back at school,a team of workers responsible for tree planting and   their Head -from the   Municipality of Chania- were adding herbs, trees and flowers in our gardens!

When we came back from the fieldtrip we were sooooooo excited  to see what they had accomplished!!!! MR YANNI ,THANK YOU and your TEAM!!!!! You did a wonderful job!

Our fieldtrip to MAICH

On Tuesday, October the 30th our Kindergarten visited the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chaniaand more specifically the  Mediterranean Plant Conservation unit. Children had the chance to see first hand the Seed Bank the Herbarium and the Botanical Garden of the MAICH.

we learned how the scientists collect the seeds from the plants how they study them on the stereoscope and how they conservate them. We saw some of our endemic and endagered flora species. At the end of the visit MAICH shared with us some herb seeds and some seeds of Pancratium maritimum" so that we can plant them in our Botanical Garden, back in  our schoolyard.  

Σάββατο 6 Οκτωβρίου 2012

ΥΓΡΟΤΡΟΠΟΠΟΙΩ ΤΗ ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΦΟΡΑ ΜΟΥ_ Professional Development day on environmental issues

 On Saturday, October the 6th representative of our teachers  participated in the workshop : "ΥΓΡΟΤΡΟΠΟΠΟΙΩ ΤΗ ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΦΟΡΑ ΜΟΥ-  Biodiversity and Threats on the  Wetland Habitat of Chania".The workshop dealed with sustainable management of  the local water resources. The host, Center  of Enviromental Education of Ierapetra-Neapoli, first introduced us to the subject and afterwards, took us to a fieldtrip to the Lake of Kourna, where we had the chance to explore the flora and fauna of the lake, first hand.

Our school joined this  program for the needs of our participation in  the international network Eco-Schools program,  as an educational resource targeted on Sustainable Use of Water Resources thematic field.

Τρίτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2012

ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΠΟΤΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ! innovative watering system powered by the 1st Kindergarten of Mournies!

KEY WORDS: innovation, alternative uses of objects/ materials and ideas, experiential learning scientific approach of learning, water canals plants sustainability


Σε ένα απομονωμένο κομμάτι της αυλής έχουμε φυτέψει αρωματικά βότανα και φυτά που είναι δύσκολο να τα ποτίζουμε καθημερινά. Αν δεν τα ποτίζουμε θα μαραθούν


Αν σχεδιάσουμε και κατασκευάσουμε ένα μηχανισμό με ανακυκλωμένα υλικά για να τα ποτίζουμε από την έξω μεριά της πόρτας, τα φυτά δεν θα μαραθούν.

ΥΛΙΚΑ: Μαρκαδόροι, πίνακας, σωλήνες ράβδοι γυμναστικής, νεροπίστολα, κολλητική  ταινία, , σπάγγος, λάστιχο ποτίσματος, μαύρος πλαστικός σωλήνας,πλαστικά  δοχεία (ανακύκλωση) καρφιά. σφυρί-ψαλίδι-κοπίδι (μόνο η κυρία), πλαστικά μπουκάλια διαφορετικών μεγεθών

ΔΙΑΔΙΚΑΣΙΑ: Σχεδιάζουμε μέρη της κατασκευής και προχωράμε σε μικρές δοκιμαστικές εφαρμογές

 Αφού καταλαβαίνουμε ότι αν ενώσουμε διάφορα υλικά με ταινία το σύστημα λειτουργεί, προχωράμε στην κατασκευή  του μοναδικού συστήματος ποτίσματος!

Αφού το συναρμολογήσαμε, ώρα για εφαρμογή κι έλεγχο:



Ο Μηχανισμός δουλεύει με κάποιες απώλειες και.....