Eco Schools

Eco Schools
"There should be a garden attached where they (students) may feast their eyes on trees, flowers, and plants... Where they always hope to hear and see something new." Comenius, The Great Didactic 1632

Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Professional Development Day on Animation

"Animation techniques in  Pre primary and primary school classes
A creative way of artistic expression"

Attending a 2 days animation workshop 

Our goal is to embed animation techniques in   our eco- schools project by creating a short movie (animation) with environmental extensions

Professional Development on Science in Kindergarten classes

Attending the workshop:   Science in kindergarten,  organized by Ms  Popi Kassotaki,  School Counselor of Preschool Education

From the Windmill to the Wind turbine

Constructing a wind turbine
Key words: taller, scale, math,  comparisons, analogy , windmill, wind turbine, wind power alternative sources of energy

 Given that a windmill is 6-7m tall and a wind turbine is 100-110m tall,  we constructed a windmill using paper rolls (recycling).
Problem: If we wanted to construct a wind turbine, how much taller than the windmill would it be? (in analogy)
1.brainstorm -estimations- hypothesis......
2. procedure- action...
Fig. 1  let's place 15 paper rolls the one on the top of the other!
Fig. 2  hmmm... our construction is hard to stay put....
fig. 4 the analogy is obvious

Fig.3  let's transform our measuring! We are going to do the same thing on the floor!
fig. 5 non conventional ways of measuring
 fig. 6 non conventional ways of measuring
 Fig. 7 experimenting with the meter
fig 8. experimenting with the tape measure
fig. 9 In comparison with us...

fig. 10  paper tape is our best friend!

fig.11 In comparison with us ..
fig 12. in action...

3. Results.....

fig. 13 the results
4. Conclusion...... muchhhhhhhh taller!!!!!!!

Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2012

The sun and the Wind

Thematic unit: Energy
Sub Unit: Wind Power
Cross Thematic: Arts

Key words:
  • Language Arts
  • drawing
  • poetry
  • music
  • sound story
  • Cretan music culture
 Βest expression of the unit: " Ο αέρας έχει μια δύναμη, πολύ μεγάλη, που τη λένε "αεροδύναμη"